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“CHK/NS” opens the register without processing a sale. There is also a metal lever underneath the till (near the back), which will open the drawer if it shuts and the register is in Z mode (so you can't press NS). If someone is buying multiple items (for example, 3 soy milks at 3.35 each) you can type in 3, then hit “X/DATE TIME”, then 335 (the other way around works as well), then hit MISC/GST. It will multiply it for you. Another way is to type in the price first (335) and hit the department button three times.

General operation

This is the process for putting transactions through the till. Items should be entered in the following order:

General Till Operation - click me


  • Type in the value of the sale in cents (no decimal point).
  • Hit “GST” or “MISC”, depending on whether it has GST or not.
  • Repeat for each item.
  • Press “SUB TOTAL” (this is crucial, as otherwise the discount will only apply to the last item you entered).


  • Ask the member if they're a member of the co-op, and if so if they've worked in the last 7 days (or are otherwise eligible for a discount).
  • Key in the amount of discount (i.e. “10” for 10%, “25” for 25% or “40” for 40%) and press “%/CLK#”.
  • Press “SUB TOTAL”.

3. MEMBERSHIP AND NON-DISCOUNT ITEMS (e.g. paper bags, membership, cottage industry, no further discount (NDF) items)

  • For non-discount items, type in the value of the sale in cents (no decimal point).
  • Hit “MISC” or “GST” or “SHARE” or “MEMBERSHIP”
  • Press “SUB TOTAL”.
  • For more info on memberships, see membership


  1. The register will calculate the change for you. We do this to minimise cash handling errors and ensure there are controls around sales. To do this, key in the value of the money given to you (e.g. 5000 for $50 note) and then press “= CA/AMT/TEND”. The required change will be displayed by the register on the screen.
  2. Generally the till is set up so it does not print a receipt every time. If a receipt is needed, just press “POST RECEIPT”. In case the till does print receipt every time for some reason, simply press “PAPER SAVING” when you are not processing anything else on the till and the display will show an asterisk * on the very left.

If you make a mistake / troubleshooting

Troubleshooting - click me

If you make a mistake on the register do not panic!

  1. If you have entered a number but have not yet pressed “MISC”, “GST” or “SHARE”, simply press “CLEAR” in order to clear the number.
  2. If you have pressed “MISC”, “GST” or “SHARE” but have not yet pressed “SUBTOTAL” then you can use the following procedure:
    • If an incorrect item was the last item (i.e. if you haven't touched anything since you put it in), you can simply press “-/ERR CORR”, and that item will be removed.
  3. If this doesn’t work you’ll need to write an over-ring (see below)
  4. If the register drawer does not open, or you close it accidentally, pull the lever underneath the till, towards the back.
  5. If you have any other problems, please ring one of the coordinators to talk you through what you can do!


  1. press “= CA/AMT/TEND” to clear the till
  2. Press the “POST RECEIPT” button to print a receipt
  3. Write your name, day of the week, and the word ‘over-ring’ clearly on the receipt
  4. Calculate the total amound of the over-ring for the individual departments (MISC, GST, MEMBERSHIP, SHARE) and record on the receipt.
  5. Put the receipt safely in the far-left note section of the till

If these steps are followed we should be able to correctly adjust the totals at the end of the day. If you are unsure about anything do not hesitate to ask a coordinator to help you.

Opening the register

  1. Turn the cash register from Z (reset) to REG (register). The time will be displayed. If the display shows “L 0.00” when switching on the till, that means the batteries are low. To clear this sign, press “AC C”. Make sure, that you exchange the batteries (open the rear left cover for the paper – the battery department is on the very back) before switching off the power.
  2. Hit “CHK/NS” to open the drawer
  3. Count the opening float into the register. The amount the float should equal will be written on the Daily Takings Sheet, which is hanging on a clipboard on the wall behind the stereo. Record the opening float on the Daily Taking Sheet. Note any discrepancies on the Daily Takings Sheet.
  4. Make change from the filing cabinet.
  5. Close the drawer.
  6. Put today’s EFTPOS slips bag into the till (they live in the front of the green finance folder)
  7. Tear off the settlement report from last night. Put it into the ‘invoices to pay’ sleeve of the finance folder
  8. Check the EFTPOS machine is plugged in and the button it not red (red means it needs more paper)
  9. If any veggie envelopes have been left under the door, ring each order through the till separately (see how to use the till now that we have EFTPOS instructions)

Closing the register

Troubleshooting - click me
  1. Make sure there is enough receipt paper in the register. Press the “FEED” button to feed some through.
  2. Turn the key to the “Z” position
  3. Press “= CA/AMT/TEND”. This produces a z-read on the till receipt. The z-read total is the number on the z-read with “CASH” written next to it.
  4. Press “FEED” several times, if necessary, so that the whole z-read is visible above the bit where the register tears off.
  5. Write your name and the day and date on the top of the z-read.
  6. Remove money from till and count it. Also take note of any credit notes and notes indicating that an over-ring occurred.
  7. Get the Daily Takings Sheet, which is located on the Finances clipboard (you can find this on the wall behind the stereo). Fill this in. Today’s float amount should already be entered. Follow formulas for calculating the total sales and discrepancies with the z-read. Note the different over-rings for MISC and GST items.
  8. The zread comparison number is “net total”
  9. Total EFTPOS sales comes off the detailed report – see below. – this is the amount of cash sales. You need to record this number and also the number of cash sales
  10. CHECK-INDW – this is the amount of card sales. You need to record this number and also the number of cash sales (As a check, CHECK-INDW should be the amount of card transactions and the same as the total on the EFTPOS detailed report. This is assuming that all sales were rung through correctly. As an FYI CASH-INDW + CHECK-INDW = should be the same as the zread comparison number).
  11. Veg box total + veg box over-rings are new numbers that need to get recorded
  12. Next run the EFTPOS report (on the terminal)
  13. Press the down arrow button twice, then press ‘report’, then press ‘detailed report’. This will print off automatically.
  14. The number at the bottom of the report is the total EFTPOS sales for the day. (Note: this doesn’t settle the terminal, that happens automatically at 1145pm).
  15. Total sales = cash in till + EFTPOS report number
  16. Put takings aside from float. The float should consist of all coins plus a few $5 notes and should total about $100. All $20 and $50 notes should go in the takings bag. Fill out takings and float columns once this is done.
  17. Fill in the GST values on the Daily Takings Sheet. You get these from the Z-read: “Actual GST tax amount” is “TAX1”, “GST sales excluding tax” is “TA1”.
  18. "membership fees" is the number next to “MEMBSHIP”. "shares" is the number next to “SHARE”
  19. At this point, make sure the Daily Takings Sheet is entirely filled out. Don’t forget to till in the membership numbers, GST numbers, number of daily sales and gross total numbers. There is an example zread on the finance clipboard which the daily takings sheet lives on that has a decoder for where to find all the numbers you need.
  20. Look in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet under the till, and get the plastic sleeve that says “takings” for the day of the week it is. Write the date and amount banked on the top of the z-read receipt. The things that go into the “takings bag” and get put into the safe are – banked notes, zread, EFTPOS report, over-ring receipts, the EFTPOS slips bag.
  21. In the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet there's a beige cash box. Get a few of the small plastic coin bags, and put each denomination of coin in a different bag, with the notes folded in another. Put the bags back into the beige cash box, and close it and the filing cabinet.
  22. Leave the till drawer open so that people can see it contains no money.
  23. If you have any problems please ring a coordinator or leave a note in the diary.
  24. If you accidentally close the drawer while you're closing the till, reach underneath the till – at the back there's a little lever that will open it.

Making change for the till

  • We have a change box so we can make sure we don't run out of coins.
  • The change box is a coordinators only thing/vollie who is coordinating a vollie run shift, so we can minimise the number of people using it and thus hopefully reduce mistakes. Only use the change box if you have been trained to do so.
  • There is a black cash box that lives in the safe. This is the change box. It contains bags of change (coins or notes) and also has a brief set of instructions taped to the inside of the change box.
  • The key to the change box lives on the keyring, which lives inside the vegie box.The key should always be with the coordinator on duty, DO NOT LEAVE THE KEY IN THE TILL!
  • DO NOT SPLIT BAGS UP!!! You need to swap a whole bag of change out of the change box at a time. If bags get broken up it makes it pretty much impossible to work out what is going on so NEVER do this. It is ok to swap a bag of change with an equal value of two denominations eg 10x$1 + 5x$2 for a $20 note.
  • Whenever you swap change out, you need to write a note (your name, date, day of week, and what you swapped) and leave it in the change box. Example would be : " 20th March, Friday, Monika, swapped $50 of $2 coins for a 2 x $20 notes and 1 x $10 note". This is so we have a system to track what happened if the totals don't add up.
  • The money you put from the till into the change box (so the 2x $20 and 1 x $10 notes in the above example) get added to any other notes in the change box that are *not* in a plastic bag but instead are held other with an elastic. The note with details of the swap also goes into the elastic banded together stuff.
  • Empty plastic bags the coins where in, go back into the change box so we can keep reusing them.
  • Make sure you lock the change box when you have finished making change for the till.

Programming the Till

  • The till programming will only be necessary if the batteries are dead, and the till was switched off. Make sure that batteries are in the till when re-programming to avoid that everything is lost again when switching the power off.
  • For all programming the grey programming key needs to be used and is to be set to programming mode “PGM”. The programming consists of:

setting language, date, and time

  • When switching on the till, it will print instructions how to set the language. Follow those, then the display will show “00-00-00”. Enter date in format ddmmyy. The display will show “00-00”. Enter Time in format hhmm (24h-format).

adding 10% tax on department 2/GST

  • Press “1” – “SUB TOTAL” (P appears on the display), then “TAX PGM” to start the tax programming mode. Enter “10” – “GST”, then “SUB TOTAL” to exit the setting.

setting the percent key to process discounts (rather than premiums)

  • Press “3” – “SUB TOTAL” (P3 appears on the display), then “2” (to round up), “0” (to process discounts), then “%/CLK#” and finally “SUB TOTAL” to exit the setting.

setting the percent key to be applicable to the GST total as well

  • Press “1” – “SUB TOTAL” (P appears on the display), then “TAX PGM” to start the tax programming mode. Press “RC/MR”, ”PD”, then “%/CLK#”, and finally “SUB TOTAL” to exit the setting.

naming the departments for the z-read (MISC, GST, SHARE, MEMBSHIP)

  • Press “2” – “SUB TOTAL” (P2 appears on the display), then select department to be named, then use the keyboard to type the name, and finish with the “= :CA/AMT/TEND” i.e.- -“MISC” – “6 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 8 8 8” - “= CA/AMT/TEND”
-“GST“ – “4 1 1 1 1 2” - “= CA/AMT/TEND”
-“SHARE” – “1 1 1 1 4 4 8 1 1 1 9 9 ” - “= CA/AMT/TEND”
-“MEMBSHIP” – “6 9 9 6 8 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 00 4 4 4 1” - “= CA/AMT/TEND”
And exit the setting with “SUB TOTAL”
adding ‘THOUGHTFUL FOODS’ and the ABN ‘ABN 49247638256’ on the receipts (line 1 and 2).
  • Press “2” – “SUB TOTAL” (P2 appears on the display), then select the line on the receipt to be changed followed by “CH”, then type the message, and :finish with the “= CA/AMT/TEND” i.e.- -“2” – “SUB TOTAL” - “1” – “CH” – “2 4 4 6 6 6 4 00 4 4 2 9 9 9 2 2 5 5 5 00 00 9 9 9 6 6 6 00 6 6 6 9 1 1 1 1” – :“= CA/AMT/TEND”

-“2” – “SUB TOTAL” - “2” – “CH” – “8 00 8 8 6 6 00 00” 7x”4” 7x”9” 7x”2” 7x”4” ”7” 7x”6” 9x”3” 7x”8” 7x”2” 7x”5” 7x”6”– “= CA/AMT/TEND”