
Page last edited 2,880 days ago
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This role involves communicating with entities at UNSW - particularly ARC, FM assist and the Roundhouse regarding issues of interest to Thoughtful Foods.

Collaboration With Other Co-ops

This role is also the primary point of contact for communication with other co-ops. Examples of tasks include: organising the yearly co-op crawl, responding to requests from other co-ops or referring on to other coordinators, attending cross-coop events. Improving collaboration & information sharing is a potential area to expand on in this role.

Role Responsibilities

The person in this role should be proactive in addressing general issues like communicating with Joe (the Roundhouse district manager) and setting up events on and off campus. Particular tasks are often passed on from the info@ email address. The boundaries of this role are somewhat blurred due to overlap with other co-ordinator roles like Events, Promo and Co-ordinator Liaison and task ownership often requires case by case judgement with the coordinating collective.The role does not require a shop shift, although it does not exempt a coordinator from having a shop shift.

Why is this role important?

Why is it important that this role is filled? What does this role contribute to the co-op? What are the most important parts of the role? How does this role affect the health of the co-op?

This role provides a particular means of communicating outside the coop with UNSW and other co-ops regarding specific activities (described above) as they appear. It is important for allowing fundraising, promotion and cross-coop relations/ collaboration.

Event Timeline

Timeline: Crucial dates throughout the year There are no specific dates for stalls, although events are held throughout the year, usually 3 a semester, well spaced out. It is advisable to book these a few weeks early to ensure space availability and adequate planning time. This means booking spaces well before start of semester for events early in semester. AGM occurs in mid-June and should be booked a month or so in advance (the AGM requires minimum 2 weeks notice to members).

The Co-op crawl generally occurs late in semester 2. Communication with several co-ops can be slow so planning a few weeks ahead is advisable.


What are the tasks for this role (in daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly tasks format) Daily – check email. Yearly – book AGM room, organise co-op crawl Quarterly/monthly – book spaces for fundraising events. Case-by-case - Cross-coop/UNSW communication for collaboration, negotiation, extraordinary events.

Wiki editing responsibility

The Contact coordinator is responsible for keeping this role description & the pages under category:contact up to date. See the link below.