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- Tend to the garden making it inviting and were possible plant edible / functional plants. Keeping in mind that the area is in full shade and possibilities are very limited. Therefore having a mixture of edible/functional and ornamental plants.
- Use sustainable practices.
- Make other outside spaces functional & presentable.
- Incorporate coop philosophy into the maintenance of the external spaces.
Responsibilities (at least 4hrs per week):
- Schedule a specific gardening time per week (approx 3hrs) for garden vollies to participate (Not to be held on Thursdays, as it’s too busy and there is no space).
- Organise tasks for the day. This may include: weeding, sowing seeds, transplanting, making cuttings, adding compost, mulching, planting, watering, maintaining the place clean, site analysis, pest control, seed collecting …
- Include in the weekly bulletin an update of the following week’s gardening schedule.
- Contribute (hopefully on a weekly basis) to the community section of the bulletin with environmental / sustainability events/ workshops/ seminars.
- Erosion / Flooding:
- Implement strategies that deal with the various erosion problems: eg the grass in front of the store; in the garden the creation of riverbeds; non-erodible channels that carry the rain to the drain preventing flooding.
- Maintaining channels / riverbeds clear of debris, and maintaining their up keep.
- Maintain the section opposite the garden, trying to make it functional and presentable.
- Implement strategies that can help maintain this section presentable and not as a waste land.
- Keeping it free of litter, rubbish.
- Maintain all external areas of the coop as clean and presentable as possible.
- This may include adding hanging baskets and pots….
- Increase biodiversity by creating environments that promote visits from lizards and bees. Eg adding large rocks and logs to the garden, letting plants :*like lettuce go to seed.
- Collecting free mulch, plants and other goodies like pots from council throw-outs. And request free compost from uni.
- Free mulch is available Harold Park (competitors entrance), Maroubra Public School & …
- Buy & collect other garden goodies / plants. Always trying to source the lowest prices. Eg Bunnings, Kmart and the specials section at Gardens Are Us.
- Research into plants and gardens for ideas (this may include visiting sites) .
- Research into environmental/ sustainability community events/ workshops/ seminars.
- Organise a garden working bee for environment week semester 2. This could include seed swapping.
- Maybe another gardening bee for semester 1(???)
- Any one-off garden projects. Eg: A green wall.
- A quarterly collection of e-waste for recycling from the coop.
- Prepare and maintain a garden budget.
- Maintain worm farm??? (if this still exists)
- Maintain compost bin:
- The compost bin was provided to the co-op by the Randwick/Waverley/Wollahra council's compost trial. As part of the trial we need to keep track of how much green waste we are averting to landfill. So every time we throw some food scraps in the bin, please mark on the compost tally attached to the outside of the bin how many equivalent 5L kitchen containers (like a large ice cream container or half a household laundry bucket) you've thrown in. Every few months, the garden co-ordinator (Sujata) will email Lauren Michener to report how much waste we've sent to compost rather than landfill.