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What is the Role?

The groceries coordinator is a key coordinator, as he/she is responsible for the ordering of stock and coordination of stock receiving and shop presentation. The groceries coordinator role does not have a specific shop shift associated with it, and it does not necessarily require any shop shift due to the extent of the role. It is, however, important that the groceries coordinator spends some time in the co-op each week to ensure that he/she develops and maintains a strong awareness of how their role directly affects shop coordinators and customers. It is a role that requires a commitment throughout the year (rather than just during semester), except for weeks when the co-op is not open.

Why is this role important?

The role of the groceries coordinator is required to be filled throughout the year, and ideally at least one back up coordinator should be trained to fill in for the main groceries coordinator, if needed. The core responsibilities of the role are to:

  • Ensure we have good and consistent stock levels and product range that sells and fit within our aims, objectives and ethics.
  • Liaise with suppliers.
  • Communicate with members about new products, specials, bulk ordering opportunities and respond to any enquiries.
  • Ensure that the presentation of the shop is maintained, including good stock levels, wide product range, presentable and compliant labelling and organisation of stock for ease of use.
  • Ensure that budgets are adhered to and communicate with finance person regularly.
  • Coordinate stock receiving and check the invoices.
  • Maintain prices on line, in spreadsheets and in the shop as appropriate.
  • Assist with key events and annual stocktake.
  • Attend and participate in weekly coordinator meetings
  • Have an eye for links to promotion e.g. new products, seasonal products, bulk orders, advertise in the bulletin whiteboard, social media, website etc.
  • Maintain and update documentation and signage regarding suppliers, pricing, product information etc.

Secondary responsibilities included in the portfolio of the groceries coordinator are:

  • Food safety
  • Cottage industry
  • Cleaning bee organisation

Timeline: Crucial dates throughout the year

  • Beginning of semester
    • special attention to shop presentation and stock levels etc to attract and keep new customers
    • cleaning bee before the semester start
  • Before and after shop closing period (summer break)
    • cleaning bee
    • special attention to food safety to prevent pests
  • End of financial year (end of January): Stocktake (organisation together with finance coordinator)


Ordering of Stock

  1. Order food (other than fruit and vegetables) and other goods in accordance with co-op ethics, policy and practice. Continually evaluate whether our products meet the co-op principles and how they could be improved.
  2. Ensure that sufficient stock levels and product range, particularly of popular stock, are maintained.
  3. Forecast sales and plan (special events, holidays, in season stock etc.) in conjunction with the finance coordinator.
  4. Check stock levels of all items weekly and compile/edit lists of what we’re running low on.
  5. Research new product lines, including responding to customer suggestions and managing members' bulk orders.
  6. Liaise with a diverse range of suppliers. Research and develop relationships with new suppliers.
  7. Maintain information on new suppliers, new product information and current stock information for access on the TF computer, in the shop, on the website, etc.
  8. Ensure appropriate and timely orders are made with suppliers.
  9. Coordinate quality control and follow-up process with suppliers. Maintain and develop stock ordering sheets and systems, including delivery processes.
  10. Make sure all computer order forms have been filled out completely and moved to the archive folder once stock has been processed.
  11. Work within the assigned budget, and provide feedback on any issues/opportunities regarding the budget to the finance coordinator, and treasurer.
  12. Bulk ordering
    • Record bulk order details in the ordering a spreadsheet of the respective order for later reference.
    • Consider improvements to the bulk ordering system.
  13. Tidy up 'suppliers' folder and ask for regular price updates from suppliers. Up to date product and price lists are to be stored in the dropbox folder ‘Products and price lists’ in the Groceries drop box folder.
  14. Coordinate cottage industry.
  15. Liaise with the volunteers ordering bread and fill in as necessary.
  16. Liaise with the coordinator responsible for veggies regarding groceries orders from Back to Eden.

Ordering of stock practicalities/summary:

  • check stock levels and ordering book at least once a week
  • reorder items that are running low – details of the ordering process for all suppliers is kept in the groceries drop box (Groceries > Info and other > Supplier and ordering list.xls) – use ordering spreadsheets in the Groceries drop box folder and move old ones to the ‘Orders archive’ folder.
  • send out bulk order call outs for less frequent suppliers (details are in the supplier and ordering list) and include the bulk orders in the order. Ensure bulk orders are picked up quickly after delivery.
  • keep orders within the budget (groceries email from finance coordinator).

Receiving stock

(although you may not be doing all of these tasks, the Groceries Coordinator is responsible for ensuring they get done to a high standard at all times)

  1. Invoices
    • Ensure that goods ordered match goods received and follow with suppliers regarding quality or miss-ship issues promptly.
    • Approve invoices, organise credit notes and pass on to finance promptly Update prices as needed.
    • Ensure that invoices have been paid.
    • Follow up any miss-ships or quality issues with suppliers.
  2. Determine stock prices by filling out green fields in the relevant spreadsheet – be sure to include GST and delivery costs.
  3. Separate and price bulk orders – contact members to let them know things have arrived and update bulk order book information.
  4. Clearly price and date all other stock, and then put it away.
  5. Liaise with with Alfalfa House and organise logistics for receiving stock, including suitable delivery times, prompt pick up and payment etc.
  6. Liaise with and coordinate with the Café regarding deliveries shipped to them and ensure they are picked up promptly and then processed in the co-op.
  7. If prices have changed, change shop labels, change and update status, ingredients and origin information on labels.
  8. If a delivery is accepted and processed by another coordinator or volunteer, double check it has been processed correctly, including pricing, bulk orders, labelling rotation, storage location, payment, signage etc.

Receiving stock practicalities/summary:

  • check invoices of all deliveries, ensuring they are correct, in line with the order and the delivery, and check that the pricing is correct. Forward invoices to finance coordinator for payment (hardcopies go in the finance coordinator sleeve in the invoice folder when they are ready to be paid)
  • in case of problems or discrepancies, follow up with the person receiving goods, and with the suppliers, and inform the finance coordinator.

Shop Presentation

  1. Coordinate the updating of prices, status, origin, ingredients and other appropriate information on the database and product containers and signs as necessary to ensure pricing is correct, label information is accurate and compliant and labels are neat, legible and presentable.
  2. In consultation with other coordinators and volunteers, maintain cleanliness and order in the shop and storage areas.
  3. Ensure labels are kept up to date, compliant, neat, legible and presentable.
  4. If items are out of stock, ensure out of stock status, reason, expected return time information etc. is provided on containers using the out of stock labels.
  5. In consultation with other coordinators, maintain and improve product signage in the shop and storage areas. Ensure accurate and up to date content lists are maintained on all storage containers.
  6. Look into practical, efficient and user-friendly alternatives for product storage – such as alphabetising spices in wheel bins and changing the way we #label their contents for accuracy and intuitiveness.
  7. In consultation with other coordinators and volunteers, develop systems to ensure the “user-friendliness” of the shop and storage areas.
  8. Ensure product and label presentation is of a superior standard at all times.
  9. Ensure regular cleaning bees are organised and held to keep the shop clean, tidy, and pest free.
  • Practicalities/Summary: During weekly stock level check (or at other times once a week) check labels are correct and readable, ensure adequate presentation of products, and cleanliness of the shop.

Stock Maintenance

  1. Ensure that all relevant WH&S requirements are practised in the performance of the position’s duties.
  2. Have a good working knowledge of stock levels, locations and products.
  3. Ensure that food container hygiene is maintained and good food safety practices are followed at all times.
  4. Maintain an accurate record of stock used in the co-op and stock spoilage.
  5. Organise regular pest checks and ensure pest proofing/spoilage prevention measures are implemented.
  6. Maintain and improve systems to minimise wastage .
  7. Coordinate and manage stock refill.
  8. Ensure that stock is rotated on a regular and continual basis from the storage to the shop and display in the shop is of a high standard and appropriate level.
  9. Work cooperatively with the finance coordinator to help coordinate and conduct the annual stocktake at the end of each financial year (end of January).
  10. Ensure bulk orders are promptly picked up and paid for by members.

General co-op duties

  1. In consultation with directors and coordinators, maintain, develop and improve systems to encourage participation by members in all aspects of the co-op.
  2. Participate in the ongoing development of policies and procedures.
  3. Undertake training as requested and provide training to other coordinators, members and volunteers.
  4. Participate in environmental initiatives such as waste, water and energy reduction measures.


  1. Help facilitate the flow of information within the co-op amongst coordinators, directors, volunteers and membership.
  2. Share skills and knowledge with coordinators and members to enhance the general running of the co-op.
  3. Actively participate in co-op meetings and request feedback on issues that relate to the role (such as stock levels, product range, new products, hygiene, labels, sealing containers etc.
  4. Notify the stock receiving person and coordinators about upcoming orders.
  5. Liaise with the coordinator responsible for veggies regarding Back to Eden groceries orders.
  6. Work co-operatively and share information with the finance coordinator and coordinating coordinators coordinating regarding the groceries role.
  7. Read requests written in the ordering book and ordering email at least one per week and reply/act upon them as required.
  8. Contribute to the newsletter, social media, whiteboard and website as an avenue for communicating with members.
  9. Prepare regular updates regarding products for the bulletin, whiteboard, social media and website.
  10. Liaise with Café regarding deliveries and pick up.
  11. Read and leave messages in the diary for coordinators, members and volunteers as well as making use of the Thoughtful Foods, email lists and individual emails regarding groceries issues.
  12. Manage the orders@thoughtfulfoods email address, responding to messages, passing on information etc. promptly.
  13. Write a weekly task list for shop coordinators and volunteers including items which need refilling, expected deliveries and times, presentation, accuracy and readability of signage, upcoming orders, other relevant groceries information (including out of stocks, new products, etc). Organise product research:
    • Write a brief email about new products or ideas for research to volunteers.
    • Try to get regular input in the Bulletin and website (product info, veggie train).
  14. Make a regular backup of all stock documents.
  15. Update on-line prices as required.
  16. Ensure that the job description for this role is kept updated for future handovers.
  17. Ensure that the back up groceries coordinator is trained appropriately, and keep an up to date list of suppliers including all information required by the back up groceries coordinator to take over role at short notice (ordering process, products we get, contact info, delivery info, etc– list is kept in the groceries drop box (Groceries > Info and other > Supplier and ordering list.xls)).).
  18. Ensure the product and price list is updated regularly (at least twice per year).

Food Safety

The groceries coordinator is responsible for overseeing food safety practices in the shop and ensuring coordinators are educated in and practicing food safety.


  • Sterilisation of jars (task is done by vollie, but the groceries coordinator is the point of contact, and responsible to
  • Sanitising of containers and scoops etc that are used to store and handle food (responbility of establishing the procedures, and ensuring they are followed.
  • Food protection
  • Overseeing organisation of regular coop cleaning bees
  • Ensure daily cleaning is being done to a satisfactory standard
  • Train people closing in cleaning that needs to happen.
  • Ensure that stock rotation, barrel/jar sterilisation cleaning is being done regularly.
  • Send out/talk to coordinators/vollies reminders re cleaning etc. as needed.
  • Deal with pest issues and facilitate pest prevention iniatives.
  • Food safety training for vollies, coordinators.
  • Ensure regular pest checks are done, and pest proofing/spoilage prevention measures are implemented.


  • Develop food safety plan, and ongoing improvement an review of plan
  • Institute food safety training course among coordinators.
  • Develop and institute policies for each area of the coop.
  • Identify potential food safety hazards and problems and facilitate their resolution.
  • Create a check list of cleaning tasks (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, cleaning bee, before closing up etc) and ensure their implementation.

Cottage Industry

The groceries coordinator is responsible for managing any cottage industry products sold through the coop and communicating with the third party providing the products. See cottage industry for more information on how this works.

  • Ensure that any cottage industry items sold by the coop are in line with the ethics and philosophy of the coop.
  • Ensure product provider is aware of the cottage industry process, ensure the cottage industry book is filled in correctly.
  • Collect bank details from the provider and forward to finance coordinator for payment. After items are sold or returned, inform finance coordinator about it to ensure payment is made.

Cleaning Bee Organisation

The groceries coordinator is responsible for ensuring cleaning bees occur at appropriate times through the year. This involves allocating responsibility for each cleaning bee to another co-ordinator, who will organise and run each cleaning bee event. The groceries co-ordinator should oversee cleaning bee organisation to ensure it is happening effectively, however is not required to attend every cleaning bee. See cleaning bee for more information on how they work. In pratical terms, the groceries coordinator shall bring upcoming cleaning bee to the attention of the coordinating collective at least 4 weeks before the date, and ensure that the event is organised and performed properly, by being the contact person for question from the people organising the event, and by providing input on the procedure and particular areas that need to be focussed on during the cleaning bee.

Wiki editing responsibility

The Groceries coordinator is responsible for keeping this role description & the pages under category:groceries up to date. See the link below.