How to edit this wiki

Page last edited 3,427 days ago
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Thoughtful Foods has two versions of the HTDS book including the:

  • Online Wiki

All content in this manual + all role descriptions are on the wiki. The wiki is a searchable, easy to use website that can be accessed by anyone.

  • Word document & printed hard copy of it (i.e. – this document)

This is a printed word document version of the wiki that lives in the co-op. It contains all the same information as the wiki, except for role descriptions.

When you would like to edit the HTDS book

1. Download the latest soft copy from the co-ordinator dropbox folder under resources and open it in Microsoft word.

2. Ensure there are no changes that show up under the ‘track changes’ function. (If there are, contact the person who previously edited the document to clarify which changes have been reprinted & which have not. Accept any changes that have already been reprinted.)

3. Enable the ‘track changes’ function & make your changes to the document. Please make sure to use the track changes function from the moment you start editing the document. It is very important for version control.

4. Email the updated version to the IT coordinator so that they can update the wiki page with your changes. (If you have used the ‘track changes’ function, the IT coordinator can see exactly what needs updating without you saying a word to them. Easy!)

5. Accept all changes in the document & re-upload your soft copy to dropbox with your name & the editing date in the document title – eg “How to do stuff book v 6.4_Alastair_25-07-2015”.

6. Reprint the updated pages & replace the obsolete pages in the printed word document in the shop.

  • Bonus Points – Instead of asking the IT coordinator, edit the wiki yourself! Anyone can make a wiki account and start editing (ask the IT coordinator how). It is very easy, much like a word document but with special formatting. If you are unsure, have a go anyway, you can always undo the changes.

When you would like to edit a role description

  1. Copy the role description text into a word doc.
  2. Enable track changes function & make your edits.
  3. Send the document to the IT coordinator so that they can update the wiki with your changes.

Remember that the role descriptions live only on the wiki & nowhere else.

Unfinished sections / in need of updating

The following sections are not complete. Change this page if you complete them.