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What is the Role?

Promotion coordinator is responsible for advertising Thoughtful Foods to the university community and beyond. The goal is to keep spreading the words of who we are, what we do and what is happening at the shop via various sources from signage outside the shop, posters, having a chat to members to social media. It is ideal to have shop shifts so that you will come to know what exactly is need to be done to further improve the co-op to be more attractive and widely known place.

Why is this role important?

Promotion role is crucial to keep the co-op flourishing throughout the year and allow the Thoughtful Foods community to grow bigger. Events on and around the university campus are an effective way to expose co-op to communities and let them know who we are. O-week is especially important since a lot of people including new students will be on campus so you should prepare well and present well for this. Using social media regularly will help productively spreading words so it is a good idea to have volunteers who are around co-op to help you Facebook, Instagram tasks such as taking pictures and upload posts.

Timeline: Crucial dates throughout the year

Event suggestion NOTE
Oweek O- week stall (4-5days) VERY IMPORTANT EVENT!
Oweek Free BBQ (1 day) Happens right at the beginning of O-week, can be combined with enviro collective
Week 2-5 Visible Veg packing, Cake stall
Week 6~10 BBQ, soup stall
Week 11 Chai stall, Arc Student Cookbook launch
O-day O-day stall
Week 2-8 Visible veg packing, Chai stall
Week 9-11 BBQ, Cake stall
Blitz magazine, Tharunka Recipes, artilces, Ads for co-op


Wiki editing responsibility

The Promotions coordinator is responsible for keeping this role description & the pages under category:Promotion up to date. See the link below.

When What Tool notes


  • Check the opening hours on Facebook are correct
  • Post pictures, featured posts, announcement on Facebook/Instagram (You can ask Social media volunteers to do some for you)
  • Make sure members like and share the posts
  • Update blackboard signage, make sure it’s not rubbed off and information is up to date

Facebook, Instagram. Blackboard, chalk

It is ideal for posts to have nice pictures. Clear image of products/veg box or people interacting at co-op will be great. Do photo shoot session if you need. Make signage attractive and eye catching!

Before the event (2~3 weeks before)

  • Prepare flyers and posters
  • Make sure dates, location, what’s it about are clear.
  • Create Facebook event if you need and invite people
  • Make sure members like and share the posts

Google slides, Word document, Photoshop, Facebook

Google slides are easy tool to create simple flyers and print. Ask promo volunteers if you need high quality posters/flyers.

Before the event (1~2 weeks before)

  • Post on Thoughtful Foods Facebook page about the event
  • Make sure the shop flyers are prepared with correct location (simple map will be good), opening hours

Facebook, Word doc

Regularly post on Facebook which will be a good way to remind members and beyond about the event.

On the day of the event

  • Handing shop flyers and have a chat with people who don’t know about co-op
  • Take pictures of the event and keep uploading to Facebook

Facebook, Instagram

Chatting with people who find out about the co-op for the first time is very important during event. Let them know who we are and most importantly where we are.


  • Get in touch with Arc and let them know that we are keen to put Ads on magazine (Blitz, student cookbook)
  • Get in touch with Enviro collectives and find out about their events that we can join

Blitz, Student Cookbook, Tharunka, Enviro collectives,

It is important to let them know when you submitting recipes and articles, put Thoughtful Foods name as well as where we are, opening hours.

Once a semester

  • Do outreach promotion activities to university residential communities, university stuff, uni gym, Randwick council etc.

Email, Posters

Let communities beyond co-op members know about who we are. Very important to include veg box when you are reaching to residential communities.