Recording Volunteer Hours

Page last edited 3,637 days ago
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Coordinator hours

Coordinators must record the time they spend each week volunteering for Thoughtful Foods including shop shift and out-of-hours time. This is done on the ‘coordinator hours’ Google doc and must be completed by midnight Thursday. If you are having problems accessing the Google doc, text message or email your hours to the finance coordinator by the deadline.

Coordinators are required to do this because:

  1. It gives an indication of personnel hours required for roles, events, etc.
  2. Determines your volunteer allowance for each week.
  3. Authorises you for your shopping discount.

Volunteer hours

Coordinators must record volunteer hours every time a volunteer works at the coop, including name, date, start time and end time. This is done using a template that lives on a clipboard on the wall behind the till. Recording hours is necessary for volunteers to obtain their shopping discount. Volunteers that have a regular out-of-shop role (e.g. jar washing) have been given volunteering discount cards they can show so they can get their discount. For other volunteers it is necessary to check the volunteering clipboard to check they have done the hours they are claiming. Volunteers who help at cleaning bees are issued with discount vouchers for a ONCE ONLY shop. These vouchers should be collected once used and put in the diary.

Director Hours

There is currently no system to record director hours as director roles only involve out-of-hours work. Discounts are given on a trust basis.