Work Health & Safety

Page last edited 3,686 days ago
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Clothing Requirements for Working in the Shop

  • Closed shoes
  • Tied back hair
  • Clothing (i.e not nude)

Storage & Moving Heavy Things

At Thoughtful Foods we often move heavy things & store things above shoulder height, which presents a WHS risk. To mitigate this risk:

  • Store lighter things up high and heavy things down low
  • Use the step ladder if the object you are moving is above your head
  • Lift with your knees, maintain a straight back, keep the object close to your body & avoid twisting whilst carry heavy objects.

Always maintain a dry floor in the shop.

Broken Things in the Coop

If anything in the shop is damaged, not functioning as it should, or looks like it could break soon, contact the WHS & Maintenance coordinator.It is the maintenance coordinators responsibility to fix things in a timely manner. Get your repair materials cheap, good places to get things cheep are reverse garbage, council cleanups, gumtree, word of mouth, sourcing someone that works on a building site. Please use the regular shops as a last resort as they are expensive and usually owned by one of our competitors

Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Every activity that is undertaken in the shop is to have a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) attributed to it. This responsibility lies with the WHS coordinator. Completed SWMS as well as templates are in hard copy in the shop behind the counter on a clipboard and are to be signed on to at training (this means every new Vollie into the shop needs to sign on to these method statements). They are also on dropbox: The following activities are covered by SWMS and have been assessed as risky activities:

  • Use of the step ladder
  • Use of Knives
  • Volunteering
  • Lifting
  • Washing Up

It is a super easy task to put these together so if we need more just contact the WHS coordinator to get them going!

The way you write a SWMS is easy follow these steps and you can't go wrong 1. Break up the activity i.e Washing up: Collecting plates, putting them in the sink, running a sink of water, washing, drying and stacking. 2. Each task in the activity is to have its risks assessed E.g : Washing: burns from hot water, slips from water on ground, soap burns, abrasion/cuts from objects in sink. 3. Control each hazard. e.g for burns from hot water instruct to use a mix of hot and cold water and also wear gloves.

thats it!!!

First aid kit

The first aid kit is a white metal cabinet that lives on the bench behind the till, closest to the outside walkway.

Here is a list of what the first aid kit should contain. It should be checked regularly to see what needs to be replaced.

  • Workcover certificate
  • workcover log book and instructions
  • bandaids – 2 packets
  • basic first aid instructions
  • ice pack
  • accident blanket
  • paracetamol
  • detol/antiseptic
  • nonadhesive pad x 2
  • eye pad x 2
  • lemon-glycerin swab x 2
  • tweezers
  • heat pack
  • saline solution x 8
  • triangular bandage
  • wound dressing
  • big dressing pad
  • safety pins
  • disposable gloves
  • small elastic gauze bandage
  • scissors
  • cotton wool balls
  • steri strips
  • arnica cream
  • list of places to call for help

Responding to WHS Incidents

If someone has been injured at the coop:

  • Stop
  • Call 000 If necessary
  • Apply First aid if necessary, following instructions in first aid Kit (see first aid kit above)
  • Notify the coordinator on duty
  • The coordinator is to notify current WHS coordinator (ANDY 0404 990 228)
  • WHS Coordinator is to notify Insurance company (AON Whitney Muonz +61 2 8623 4203)
  • WHS Coordinator must notify work cover if : the incident is serious enough to stop trading for the day, if the incident results in a death of a person, if the incident results in a serious injury or illness to the person, if it was a dangerous incident.